Saturday 28 November 2015

UE4 show reel

I finished rendering out my matinee sequence and it has turned out quite well considering I haven't taken it into After Effects yet to add the warp flash and trying to make the nacelles glow that way instead. I decided to create several very low poly ships and a star base to go in the background as I felt that since this was a ship yard chances are that my ship wouldn't be the only on there so I put 2 ships in the surrounding docks and one orbiting the planet which you can see slowly come into shot at the start. I think this makes the whole scene look more populated and more realistic as I thought there was something lacking when I first saw the fly through which  I couldn't quite put my finger on but I think I fixed that issue.

I am a little disappointed in the weird blurred texture when you first see the Prometheus and I am unsure why that happens but it fixes itself in the next shot so if I can't fix it I won't stress too much about it. On the whole though I'm quite pleased considering half the things I wanted to do wouldn't work. Hopefully After Effects will be kinder and allow me to create the warp glow as well as the flash at the end. If I can't do that then this will prove to be a very disappointing project.

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