Wednesday 18 November 2015

UE4 problems

Now that I am using UE4 to render out my scene I have come across some new problems I wasn't even aware off. To start with learning the Matinee and keying animations is quite confusing. It seems to have the same rough workings as Mayas track editor but it is slightly less intuitive as the camera seems to anticipate what you want it to do and how fast it should move. Whereas in Maya the distance between and number of key frames dictates how fast and the movement of the camera UE4 does not. For example I was trying to get the camera to sweep down and focus on the name of the ship for a few seconds however the UE4 camera decided it wanted to slow to a crawl for a second before going back to the usual fast pace. So far I have yet to find a work around to it.
Another problem was that unlike Maya, UE4 has no way to easily animate the emissive maps which is crucial to my scene as it would look very strange with the ship already powered while in space dock. I did managed to find a UE4 tutorial however which detailed how to make a model switch between 2 textures however when I tried to apply it to the Prometheus it didn't work. I have asked on the Answer Hub and am waiting for a response.
The final issue I am having is with the ship stretching before it shoots off to warp however this might be solved as I have been informed I need to use morph targets in order to get it to animate and hopefully that will give me the results I really do need.

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