Tuesday 13 October 2015

Retouched playblast with music

It took me a while to find a track I liked. I really wanted to use a slower version of TNG intro but couldn't find one that would go with the timing of my playblast. My second choice was a track called Rebuilding The Enterprise from the Star Trek Nemesis where the Enterprise is being rebuilt. This would have gone very well if it wen't for the fact that it is 50 seconds long whereas my playblast is 1 minute 10 seconds and the first 30 seconds are virtual silence and that the timing is completely out of sync with my fly through.
The music I finally settled on was the main menu music from the game Star Trek Legacy. This turned out to be very nearly perfect as he start is slow and builds slowly with the first reveal of the ship, the rises in the music coincided nicely with the reveal of the ships name and the track has a natural 'quiet down' around the minute mark which is perfect for the ship flying off and requires only a fade out in terms of editing. It also gives the warp effect a chance to be heard. I'm slightly disappointed with this sound effect as it sounds odd and not quite like the warp effects I know and wanted however it is the only decent 'clean' effect I could find. There were a few clips from the 2009 Star Trek films however they sound awful and won't fit with my ship in the slightest as the 2009 ships are a completely different design to the classic ships. I like my ships to be detailed right down to the engine sounds.
I will attempt to get a more detailed warp sound from Star Trek Online as I can record game play and take the audio from my ship warping to a new area. If this works I can have a clean, completely accurate warp sound effect that I can time to my playblast.

Another adjustment I made to my playblast is by adding my name and 'Vehicle and Prop artist' to the side of the shuttle the camera follows on the advice of a friend who wanted me to go for a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe and suggested that I should add my name, 3D artist and Vehicle and Prop artist in graffiti to the side of my shuttle to the song Spirit in the Sky by Norman Greenbaum while having exhaust belching from the engines. I immediately shot this idea down as this is the complete opposite of what I wanted however I was intrigued by the 'advertising' idea for the shuttle and I believed that it really could work given the right camera angles and if the camera lingered on shuttle long enough for the viewer to read it. I think this is an interesting idea that, at least in the testers, works rather well and it is something that will hopefully stick in peoples memories for the right reasons.

I also added the background planet with the textures made in Grand Designer. To get the atmosphere effect though I had to create a new sphere and add the clouds alpha to it then added an incandescence colour to create a glowing atmosphere. I also added duplicates of the ship yard to create a little more life in the scene and make it feel like this is a hub of activity instead of a random shipyard in orbit of a random planet.

Playblast link


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