Wednesday 30 September 2015

Finalization of plans

After discussing my 3 main projects with the lecturers  I settled on the Prometheus class on the advice of my lectures as they felt it was the most interesting, looked the best and had the most potential as an interesting project.
Most of the work has already been done over the summer as the model is finished aside from getting feedback from peers and I have created a normal map for it using a high poly version I made using Sub D methods. One of my lectures also gave me tips on good fly by locations to get good shots of the Prometheus the link to the test which is below.

The animation is rather fast so I will explain some parts of it. The shuttles and workbees will be flying round the ship and the shipyard and the camera will be flying slow enough to see them move. Before the ship moves off the umbilical cord will detach with a small explosion of air as it disconnects. The nacelles will stutter blue then start to glow as will the red impulse engines. As the ship warps away the nacelles will glow an intense blue and once the ship has gone there will be a flash of with light.

After getting feedback and explaining that the animation is too fast and that it will be refined later on people said that it looked quite good.

To improve it I will certainly slow it down and re key the animations. I will also make the animations smoother and add animated textures and also the said particle effect, which will need research and experimentation.
I hope to have the effect researched and tested by the time texturing becomes necessary as I would like to get it out the way now, if it's simple or if it isn't then I want to have the time necessary to fix whatever issues arise and perfect it to make it look correct and believable.

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